Fly RC Helicopter Training lesson

In the last post we learned how to fly rc helicopters around a fixed position in a large circuit circle at high speed. How about flying that fast and large figure of eight in front of you instead of around your fixed position? This rc helicopter lesson is quite similar to the practice we did while flying large figure of eight, just the difference is that today it is going to be fast, at good altitude and its going to be in front of you not around you.

For flying your rc helicopter today you are required to get the skills you learned from flying the transitional lift exercise and from the lesson of large figure of eight, combined and apply them for the best results. I hope I do not have to remained you to do the pre flight checks? ?
I will suggest that you leave the training gear on even for todays lesson because you will be taking your rc helicopter quite away from you and it is very much necessary to keep them on for your orientation. Also we will still use the training gear for your last lesson of keeping nose in the hover.

You must be having flying figure of 8 at your pulse now so, start your rc helicopter and start flying the skinny figure of eight around 5-6 feet hovering and in front of your standing position. You will start making the figure larger and larger with increase in speed forwardly and not forgetting to increase the altitude. It will be better if you increase the half loop of figure of eight at the intersection section of the figure so will just be rounding the eight more and more with larger circles. Here we are playing the large and fast figure of eight in front of us. You just need to be very comfortable with the orientation and which you must have intact by now by seeing your rc helicopter fly big figure of eight and taking these large turns.

Keep this thing always in mind that as soon as you feel a little shaky and feel a little out of focus, just slow down your rc helicopter or even land to regain your focus and confidence to try again. Rushing into things will only get your rc helicopter into a crash which you never want. It is always better to go slowly with things rather than crashing and lowering your moral. I really flew my rc heli for good twenty days in practicing while I started flying these large figure of eight because I switched to next step only when I felt confident and comfortable. If you are in possession of a rc helicopter simulator, nothing better than that, it will take you half the time to gain the things than practicing in the air physically. Its just that some learn it fast than others but there is nothing to be embarrassed about in taking time to learn it the proper way because fast learners may not be better in flying rc helicopter at advanced levels.

Okay after regaining your confidence get back to your rc helicopter flying training lesson of large and fast figure of eight. You will be increasing the size, altitude and speed of flight while doing the figure of eight but you will have to keep the effects of transitional lift in mind all the time specially while turning up and down the wind. You may want to bank your turns when the speed of your rc helicopter is high enough with good altitude. You must be having so much fun doing it that you will lose track of time.

Although it will be a little tricky to always having your rc helicopter turn away from you for the sake of keeping orientation, but try to do that for this point of time, you can turn the nose towards you by doing the reverse figure of eight once you are done with the last rc helicopter flying lesson of nose in the hover training lesson. While on the right side of the figure of 8, bank or turn left and when on the left side of the figure of eight turn right this will keep you from disorientation.

The rule which applied to the small loop of eight applies to this large one as well Don't try to turn the rc heli towards you instead away from you. You will have to practice to bank right when turning left and when turning right bank left. This will keep you from disorientation. After learning hovering nose during last exercise, you can then do even reversing the figure loop of 8 or fly ovals with the nose of the RC helicopter even turning towards you.

There are some people who always turn away from their position and never try to learn rc helicopter nose in the hover. That is all good till the time they are enjoying it and their rc helicopter fly smoothly.

A Little RC Helicopter Aerobatic for the Joy of your senses:
I thought why not teach you a little aerobatic maneuver only if you are totally comfortable with todays rc helicopter flying training lesson. How about a 540 stall turn instead of banking on each turn of figure of eight why not this stall turn.

You must increase the cyclic pitch dual rate to around 75% or least to 70%. Rather how about turning cyclic dual rates off and seeing the response of your rc helicopter. Your rc heli will become more responsive if you are with good reflexes and you have done your tie on large figure of eight forward flight rc helicopter training lesson. You will be just good with quick controls adjustment.

This aerobatic maneuver will make you an addictive so be cautious of the results. Yes you will get the full high of the rc helicopter hobby while doing this move. Okay, it is not that difficult here it is.

While flying your rc helicopter in figure of eight loops, to take turns you were accustomed to bank it. Now instead of banking to take turn, strat bringing the rc helicopter nose up by pulling back on the cyclic. When the rc helicopter starts to slow down, turn it 180 degrees to point it in the opposite direction of your turn. The main aspect to understand is to pull back on cyclic so your rc helicopter goes almost straight up. As the momentum of going straight up slows the rc heli, give tail rotor a 180 degrees turn and bring the nose towards the ground. Now rc helicopter will start to come to the ground and gain speed, pull it out of the dive as it gains speed, of course it touches the ground.

You may want to do a little mild stall and give your rc heli a 45 degree instead of bringing it straight up and then add the tail rotor when it slows down while going up. You may not achieve a 90 degree stall but more practice will make you achieve closer to that. Thats all for today, practice and more practice will make you have full control on your rc helicopter hobby and I believe you must be having great time learning these rc helicopter