RC Helicopters for Beginners - What do you need?

Every beginning is difficult, they say. Is that because even for Rc Helicopters I say no! For since there is the coaxial helicopter, the start is really easy! I speak from experience, because I've done it and that's saying something.

Coaxial Helicopter - For the first flight tests optimally
So easy, the normal small coax heli to fly are also, they have one major drawback: they are extremely sensitive to wind and can be flown only in absolute calm outside of enclosed spaces. Even the slightest breeze, they are aborted and are no longer against the wind. But this is quite sad, because very quickly want to complete the entry after the first successful hovering flights and one flight from the home garden.

For newcomers: The robbe Blue Arrow XL
Exactly what the makers have probably discovered in the home robbe and remedies created: the "Blue Arrow XL" is one coax, but who has already an adult size and can be flown in light winds. Mind in light winds! The "Blue Arrow XL" robbe would be my recommendation for the absolute beginner who wants to breathe without assistance in the RC-Helifliegen in, but is not sure whether he stays with the hobby.

We must be aware that is probably that the coaxial helicopter, no matter how big or small they are, the more quickly impede learning progress, just because they are so stable in the air. Because soon we want to hover as a helicopter pilot more than one: we want to fly around, doing aerial work, gymnastics and a little faster and maybe even fly in aerobatic or 3D flying aboard at all. All this makes a coax heli but no longer, our faithful companion will then get bored.

For beginners with little more experience
If we remain so in the matter quickly, according to the desire for more. More means that we need to define a helicopter at full pitch and tail rotor control. The choice is difficult, because the offer is almost unmanageable. A rule of thumb: do not buy too small! There are tiny with less than 50cm diameter rotor, but they are usually very difficult to control, and again as the wind-sensitive coaxial helicopters.

From about 70cm diameter rotor to the real fun begins. The larger the rotor diameter and thus the whole helicopter, the better it will fly. However, we should also keep in mind the cost: the larger the heavier, more batteries, we need the more expensive it becomes.

If I write battery occurs to me that I forgot to mention that this year actually only electric helicopters are contemporary. Only in the most severe extremes in terms of aerobatics or gigantic rotor diameter of 1.60 m across are for glow - yet - widely used. Otherwise colleague has conquered the electric field!

Just fine, I think the helicopters of the 450cc class with a rotor diameter of about 70cm! They are already big enough to fly well, to be transported but also small enough to reasonably priced and well and have a quite substantial depending on the pattern aerobatic potential! In any case, certainly more than I will ever bring about. My favorites are the "T-Rex 450" Align in the sale of the robbe or "Beam E4" from the USA. If there must be something bigger then like the "Logo 400" Mikado. But he has had a rotor diameter of 100cm and every inch is more expensive, unfortunately, more money.

What I like about the somewhat larger non-coaxial helicopters particularly well, beautiful to look at the possibility of hulls to the mechanics is to build around. Then not just any old broomstick flying through the air with a hood, but a "Hughes 500" or "Bell UH-1D" or otherwise a fine scale model. With the willing that is much more fun. Some time ago I'm on a flight day one, "BO 105" may admire as a rescue helicopter, which was of enormous size and had lots of special features. Because you could settle with a winch to the "emergency" or illuminate with searchlights, the "crash site". Since the child laughs in man!

Spare Parts for RC Helicopter
What appears to me very important is the question of spare parts. How does it look with care in two, three or four years? If I'm looking for a no-name product, decide what seems favorable at first glance, my fine and helicopters will need them later just in case new items, I get that later as well? This is a great argument for established brands and not the only reason I would choose me now for the T-Rex 450th

Trainer cord helps in the beginning
What is true for all non-coaxial helicopter, the principle is not to try it alone! An experienced helicopter pilot you should set the new helicopters, and best accompanied by teacher-pupil cable, the first hop. Otherwise you would be so overwhelmed that is, without knowledge of a new flight, not yet perfectly adjusted helicopter to lift into the air! One always has to be given: either you can fly or the aircraft is eingetrimmt!

Flight Simulators
Oh, and a good RC simulator for the PC has already prevented many a costly break! This is a good investment, even if a good simulator costs as much as a small helicopter. Even Ruediger, who is an accomplished helicopter pilot exercise under the sun, still busy with it. Anyway - so I confirmed also an experienced helicopter pilots - is the ongoing training, the perpetual exercise of the keys to success!

Conclusion and my tip:
1. Start with a simulator
2. Go if you want to fly via helicopter to a great little coax
3. and then - or immediately after a 450 helicopter simulator.